Matchmaking Tutorials

  1. Inviting the bot
  2. Headless Matchmaking Channel
  3. Join Queue
  4. Leave Queue
  5. Start Match
  6. Create Matchmaking Channel
  7. Host Lobby
  8. Join Lobby
  9. Start Lobby
  10. Leave Lobby
  11. Close Lobby
  12. Kick Player

Inviting the Team Up Bot to your Server

To get started with Team Up Bot, you'll need to invite it to your Discord server. You can do this by clicking the button below. If you want Team Up to be able to create voice channels for your matches, you'll need to give it the Manage Channels permission.

Invite the Matchmaking bot to your server!

Create Headless Matchmaking Channel


The /headless_matchmaking_channel command creates a matchmaking channel with a join button instead of a host button. This can simplify the matchmaking process for some games. The command has the following parameters:


The title parameter is the title of the embed message that is created when the command is run.


The description parameter is the description of the embed message that is created when the command is run.


The team_size parameter is the number of players that are on each team. Use 1 for free for all matches


The teams_required parameter is the number of teams that are required to start a match.


The lobby_notification_channel parameter is the channel that the bot will post a message in when a lobby is created. This should be different from the channel that the command is run in so that the "join queue" button doesn't get buried.


The create_voice_channels parameter determines if voice channels will be created when a match starts. It has three options. Shared Voice Channel will create a single voice channel for all players in the match. Team Voice Channels will create a voice channel for each team in the match. Disabled will not create any voice channels,


The max_elo_diff parameter is the maximum difference in Elo rating that players can have to be matched together. This is useful for preventing high elo players from playing with low elo players.


The leaderboard parameter is the name of the leaderboard that players will be matched based on.


The rating_type parameter is the type of rating that players will be matched based on


The lobby_delete_minutes parameter is the number of minutes that a lobby will be open for before it is deleted. This is useful for preventing lobbies from staying open forever.

Join Queue

To join a queue you'll need to click the join button in the embed message that was created by /headless_matchmaking_channel . This will add you to the queue.

Leave Queue

To leave a queue you'll need to click the leave button in the embed message that was created by /headless_matchmaking_channel . This will remove you from the queue.

Start Match

Once enough players have queued up Team Up will match players together and create a lobby. The lobby will be posted in the channel specified by the lobby_notification_channel parameter. The lobby will be posted as an embed message with a list of players and a list of voice channels for the match. The lobby will be deleted after the number of minutes specified by the lobby_delete_minutes parameter. If the create_voice_channels parameter is set to Shared Voice Channel then a single voice channel will be created for all players in the match. If the create_voice_channels parameter is set to Team Voice Channels then a voice channel will be created for each team in the match. If the create_voice_channels parameter is set to Disabled then no voice channels will be created.

Create Matchmaking Channel


To create a matchmaking channel, you'll need to use the /create_matchmaking_channel command. This command will create an embed message in the channel you run it in. This message will have a button that allows users to host a match. It is recommended that you create a channel category with two text channels. One channel for the command to be run in that will show open lobbies. Another channel that show the in progress matches. Team Up should be the only member allowed to send messages in these channels.


The team_size parameter is the number of players that are on each team.


The min_teams_required parameter is the minimum number of teams that are required before a host can start the match.


The in_progress_match_channel parameter is the channel that the in progress matches will be posted in. This channel should be a text channel that only Team Up can send messages to. If voice channels are created for the match then the voice channels will be posted in this channel.


The host_option_* parameters are the options that the host can choose from when creating a match. The host can choose one of these options when creating a match. If multiple options are provided then there will be a dropdown menu for the host to choose from. If only one option is provided then there will be a button for the host to click.


The max_teams_allowed parameter is the maximum number of teams that are allowed to be created for a match. This is useful for games that allow a range of team sizes. For example, if you want to allow matches with 2-4 players then you would set team_size to 1 and min_teams_required to 2. Then you would set max_teams_allowed to 4. If this parameter is not provided then min_teams_required will be used as the default value.


The create_voice_channels parameter determines if voice channels will be created when a match starts. It has three options. Shared Voice Channel will create a single voice channel for all players in the match. Team Voice Channels will create a voice channel for each team in the match. Disabled will not create any voice channels,

Host Lobby

To host a lobby you'll need to click the button in the embed message that was created by the /create_matchmaking_channelcommand. This shows a menu that will allow you to choose the type of match you want to host.

Join Lobby

To join a lobby you'll need to click the join button in the embed message that was created by the host. This will add you to the lobby. You should see your name in the list of players in the embed message after you join.

Start Lobby

To start a lobby you'll need to click the start button in the embed message that was created by the host. This will start the match and move the embed message from the open lobbies channel to the in progress matches channel. If voice channels were created for the match then they will be posted in the in_progress_match_channel channel.

Leave Lobby

To leave a lobby you'll need to click the leave button in the embed message that was created by the host. This will remove you from the lobby. You should no longer see your name in the list of players in the embed message after you leave and you should be able to join another lobby.

Close Lobby

To close a lobby the host needs to click the close button on their lobby. This will remove the lobby from message and voice channels if they were created. Players will no longer be able to join the lobby. Members with admins permissions can close any lobby by clicking the close button on the lobby message message.

Kick Player

To kick a player you'll need to select the player you want to kick from the dropdown menu in the embed message that was created by the host. This will remove the player from the lobby. You should no longer see their name in the list of players in the embed message after you kick them and they should be able to join your lobby again or join another lobby. Only the host can kick players.